Where Ever You Are
You can always Go To Higher Ground
New to Higher Ground?
On a typical Sunday service we start @ 10:00 am sharp and conclude approximately at 12:15 pm.
Our dress is casual although ministry and ushers are generally in uniform. Our worship services are lively with live instrumentation and singing. We encourage participation. We also encourage freedom with order. The preaching and teaching is relevant and exciting and biblical. There is opportunity for personal prayer and ministry at the end of service. The people are friendly and approachable. There is handicap accessible parking and services. If you need assistance the ushers and deacon will be pleased to help you. All first time guest will receive a free CD of the morning message. First time guest will not be required to speak, but we will ask for follow up information. The congregation is multi cultural and include all economic and social background. There is a staffed and trained nursery for children 0-4 years old available during service for the convenience of parents. For your health and safety If there is illness or signs of sickness , the child will not be admitted.